Where Engineers
Talk Finance

At Técnico Investment Club, we aim to improve financial literacy among Técnico’s community by providing a space where engineers can talk finance - both personal and institutional.

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About Us

We're dedicated to providing our members with the knowledge and experience they need to succeed in the finance world, and to fostering a community of engineers interested in finance and personal investment.

Our mission is to improve financial literacy among Técnico's community, and to provide career counseling and opportunities to our members. We believe that engineers can bring a unique perspective to finance, and we're committed to helping our members develop their skills and achieve their goals in this field.

TIC is led by a diverse and talented executive board, with members from a variety of academic disciplines and backgrounds. With 37 members and 7 departments - Asset Management, Equity Research, Investment Banking, Quantitative Trading, External Affairs, and Marketing - our club is well equipped to offer a wide range of experiences and opportunities for our members.

In addition to providing hands-on experience in investment and finance, TIC is also dedicated to educating our members in various areas of finance, including financial analysis, portfolio management, risk management, and investment banking. Through workshops, guest speaker events, and real-world projects, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the financial world and to equip our members with the skills they need to succeed.

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Events to Date

Our Departmetns

Asset Management

Suspendisse eget semper justo, a laoreet sapien. Ut a est vitae

Equity Research

Suspendisse eget semper justo, a laoreet sapien. Ut a est vitae

Investment Banking

Suspendisse eget semper justo, a laoreet sapien. Ut a est vitae

Quantitative Trading

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External Affairs

Suspendisse eget semper justo, a laoreet sapien. Ut a est vitae

Human Capital

Suspendisse eget semper justo, a laoreet sapien. Ut a est vitae


Suspendisse eget semper justo, a laoreet sapien. Ut a est vitae

Our Life Story

Recent Articles


Credit Suisse Crisis

A high level point of view on Crdit Suisse Crisis by Pedro Cardoso

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Bye Truss, Hi Richie!

Donec et magna velit. Aenean volutpat consequat feugiat. Mauris

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Vodafone vs Mannesman

Integer eleifend diam eu diam sollicitudin pharetra. Donec pulvinar

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Bye Truss, Hi Richie!

Donec et magna velit. Aenean volutpat consequat feugiat. Mauris

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Member Testimonials

Edward Montanez

Morbi et nisl a sapien malesuada scelerisque. Suspendisse tempor turpis mattis nibh posuere. Aenean sagittis nisl. Sapien urna, sagittis a magna in, malesuada.

Anita Matthews

Suspendisse tempor turpis mattis nibh posuere, in iaculis sem efficitur. Ut sapien urna, sagittis a magna in, malesuada ornare massa. Pellentesque id ligula est.

Lisa Haley

Ut sapien urna, sagittis a magna in, malesuada ornare massa. Pellentesque id ligula est.

Levi Masters

Phasellus in iaculis ante. Fusce odio justo, pulvinar sit amet nisl sed, lacinia laoreet augue. Integer eu ultrices lacus, at laoreet nunc. Pellentesque id

Tierra F. Lane

Morbi et nisl a sapien malesuada scelerisque. Suspendisse tempor turpis mattis nibh posuere. Aenean sagittis nisl.

Harold Williamson

Fusce tincidunt turpis a dui pulvinar venenatis. Sed elementum sollicitudin euismod. Phasellus elementum nunc ac quam gravida interdum. Ut vitae ex est. Suspendisse ut congue arcu. Cras sit amet condimentum arcu. Ut tortor odio, elementum quis tellus vel, finibus semper turpis. Nunc eget dui leo.

Anna Huynh

Sed elementum sollicitudin euismod. Phasellus elementum nunc ac quam gravida interdum. Ut vitae ex est. Suspendisse ut congue arcu. Cras sit amet condimentum arcu.

Billy Ware

Phasellus in iaculis ante. Fusce odio justo, pulvinar sit amet nisl sed, lacinia laoreet augue. Integer eu ultrices lacus, at laoreet nunc. Pellentesque id